Join us here to find reflections and guides to excelling in the workplace.
Unlocking Your Leadership Potential: Strategies for Executive Success
In today's dynamic business world, leadership transcends titles, demanding a multifaceted skill set. Embrace the core elements of self-awareness, character development, and other-awareness to unlock your leadership potential.
Navigating Career Transitions: Expert Advice for Smooth Career Changes
Three Steps for a Successful Career Transition.
Your Headspace in the Workplace
Is there a crossover between the playing field and the workplace?
Reflecting on Your Character: The Key to Effective Leadership
Why assessing your character is essential for effective leadership.
Enter the Belly of the Whale
Resist the allure of busy and instead choose to slow down and be present.
The Pros and Cons of Employee Resource Groups
Employee resource groups can increase employee engagement, boost morale, and encourage diversity.
Have You Struggled to Convey Ideas to Colleagues?
This month’s blog post is dedicated to the second letter in your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) type, represented by an S for “Sensing” or an N for “Intuition.”
The Dog Days of Work
Today I am reflecting upon Lulu’s lessons about the importance of rest.
4 Tips for Staying Relevant
Unfortunately, the story of historic and successful companies that have fallen to ruins is not uncommon, which got me thinking about the current marketplace.
What Goes Up Must Come Down
Throughout our careers, we have pursued the top of the staircase, if you will, as we chased big dreams, audacious goals, greater responsibility, a bigger paycheck, and more influence, fulfillment, accomplishment, or success.
Are You an Introvert or Extrovert? Does it Matter?
For leaders, entrepreneurs, or other business owners, knowing which end of the introversion/extroversion continuum you lean towards can help you manage your day better.
2 Simple Ways to Demonstrate Initiative
To engage even more fully as a leadership teammate look for opportunities to exercise greater initiative.
My Word of the Year for 2022
One of my least favorite holidays had always been New Year’s Day. I think it was because the obligatory New Year’s resolutions I created set me up for immediate failure, and I didn’t want my entire year colored by a self-imposed failure.
Alternative Work Arrangements: Questions to Guide the Change
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.”
Have Setbacks Helped You Grow?
Progress is not a straight line. I was told it wouldn’t be. I was told that it would take 18-24 months to possibly get my incurable symptoms into some sort of “remission.”